What are surveys?

Surveys are research tools used to gain information and insights on various topics of interest. Every user will have a different survey experience. Most of your surveys will be based on your your age, hobbies, or where you live.

How long is a survey?

Surveys come in a variety of lengths, ranging from 5 to 45min. Longer surveys reward participants with more credits. Keep in mind, survey length is estimated, and will vary based on the actual survey, and your survey taking speed. They may be a bit longer or shorter then expected.

Is every survey a good fit for me?

Not every survey will be a good fit for you. And most of the time you will only find out a couple minutes into the survey. But don't give up! There are better suited surveys waiting for you. Sometimes the algorithm will automatically redirect you to a survey that's a better fit for you, other times you'll need to start over and select a new survey.

What to expect from a survey?

It is normal for surveys to have some repetitive questions. If the survey is not moving to the next question, scroll to the bottom to see if there is a "next" button. Loading and refreshing during surveys happens. Please allow surveys to load fully (especially at the end!), to ensure you are properly rewarded.

What should I do when I get stuck?

In this imperfect world, it's possible for our app to experience glitches now and then. Should you encounter any, please reach out to our customer service team or explore our FAQs for support.